Rich and crazy in laughs, love, life lessons
23 August 2018
Rachel Chu (Constance Wu) is a self-made professor at NYU. Raised by a single, immigrant mother from China, she has an impressive resume and she is beautiful and sweet as well. Thus, its no surprise that she has claimed the affections of businessman Nick Young (Henry Golding) for a year. Now, he wants to push the envelope of their relationship. Will Rachel agree to travel to Singapore for his best friend's wedding and meet his family? Certainly. Mother Chu helps pick out her important dress for the occasion. However, when the couple boards the plane, Rachel discovers that Nick has purchased first-class tickets, something she didn't think they could afford. Its then that Nick confesses that his family is "comfortable" ; read rich. Once they land in Singapore, this becomes even more apparent when Rachel goes to meet an old college friend, Piek Lin Goh (Awkwafina) before she shakes hands with the Youngs. PLG is ASTOUNDED Rachel doesn't know that Nick is the most eligible bachelor in the country and his family the richest of the rich. Holy Goldmine, Batman! Quickly giving Rachel another dress for the occasion, far more expensive and chic, Rachel is primped to meet Nick's mother Eleanor (Michelle Yeoh) and elegant cousin, Astrid (Gemma Chan). But, although seemingly welcome to her son's girlfriend, Eleanor soon reveals her true colors. She is deadset against the relationship going any further, as she tells Rachel on the QT. Nick is clueless about his mother's attitude, which upsets Rachel even more. But, can a young American from Flushing become a Chinese Cinderella? This wonderfully rich and crazy film is manna to a romcom lover's heart as well as a thoroughly entertaining film for most everyone else. Set in the fantastic setting of the super rich, its opulent scenery is amazing. This is true also of the fabulous costumes, comedic script and bouncy direction. Yet, even then, the storyline proves that riches can't buy everything. Most importantly, Wu, Golding, Awkwafina, Yeoh, Chan and all the others are near-perfect in their lively, touching roles. The one possible caveat is that the riches displayed make one hurt inside for those less fortunate. But, as "only a movie", most can dismiss this more easily. Movie tickets are happily not only affordable by the super rich so grab one soon, soon!
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