Review of Hello Boys

Ghosted: Hello Boys (2018)
Season 1, Episode 16
An Example of What Not To Do
24 July 2018
I was debating whether or not to review this episode, and have decided instead to review the show in its entirety. After watching the Pilot, I told myself that, "This show has some promise." While watching a new episode every week, under the first showrunner, I decided that the main thing it had going for it was the chemistry between Scott and Robinson. However, thinking about this, I found myself actually agreeing with the choice to restructure the show as although it had charm and pretty good humor between the two of them, it would be unsustainable as good TV shows also need to have good supporting casts and it was obvious after watching the poor and unfunny B-stories that this was not the case. I had hope that Paul Lieberstein would be able to change this with him having been a part of The Office which was incredible successful. After watching the sort of second pilot I found myself sort of underwhelmed and figured that it just needed a week or two to redefine itself. I was wrong. With the addition of new characters, whose purpose was simply to give the show a feel more like that of The Office, there was far less interaction between the shows two main characters. In this way, the show also lost its charm. They also decided to create storylines just for the sake of creating them such as supposed love triangle between Max, Leroy, and Annie. The episode which was dedicated to this conflict was very out of place in terms of the characters and their development. The show also seemed as if it was sucked dry of all humor turning it into a sort of drama. The final part of this show I am going to discuss, which I found most frustrating, was the order in which they chose to release the episodes. This is what made the show seem so sloppy as while you would watch an episode with one continuing storyline, the next episode, because it was released out of order, would have a completely different focus making it very confusing for the viewer to watch. An example of this was this final episode which I guessing was originally supposed to be episode 3 or 4. It again brought up storylines that hadn't even been mentioned in like half a year. All in all, while Ghosted originally had some potential and charm, it ended just how it hadn't started, a confused and mismanaged show which did not effectively utilize the very talented cast they had access to. Goodbye Ghosted. You were an somewhat charming train wreck.
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