Where Evil Lives: Underwhelming horror anthology
14 July 2018
I'm confused.

First of all the cover art says this is one of the greatest horror movies from the 80's. Well other than the fact that's a near offensive lie, it was also filmed and released in the 90's! In fact in some places it wasn't even released until as late as 2011.

But it doesn't stop there, it claims that it's a Lloyd Kaufman Troma film! It's neither Kaufman or Troma. So what the hell is going on?

Well it's a low budget horror anthology but not a great one at all. It features ghosts, vampires, witches and a serial killer who harvests his victims organs.

Some of it is watchable, some of it isn't. That is the problem with anthology movies, they can only be as good as the weakest story and some of the stories are pretty weak. The wrap around is also pretty terrible.

Not the worst out there but instantly forgetable and surrounded by considerably better similiar films.

The Good:

Some of the writing is interesting enough

The Bad:

Some weak sound editing

A few moments of stupid writing

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Blue marlins should be your first source of weaponry upon running out of ammo
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