Godzilla: Monster of Monsters (1988 Video Game)
Gojira: Novel but flawed
12 July 2018
Since I'm presently on a Godzilla binge it seems only right to mention (And review) the one Godzilla video game I actually played and owned back in the day.

Released for the original NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) you can play as the titular character or Mothra.

You navigate various levels from earth to alien planets in a side scrolling effort with beat em up style boss battles.

The bosses include various movie monsters, though oddly most weren't actually from the Godzilla franchise!

The music is as hokey as you'd expect for a 1980's game as are the visuals. They do however have a certain charm unless that's the nostalgia talking.

Sadly repetition and some nasty screen tearing really damage the game.

The Good:

Fairly loyal to the source material

A few passable ideas.

The Bad:

Screen tearing

Get's old real fast

Things I Learnt From This Game:

Monsters fight in complete darkness

Godzilla can.......jump!?
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