Bloodlock (2008)
Bloodlock: Weak vampire flick
13 June 2018
I actually had fairly high hopes for Bloodlock, the premise seemed decent and for the first 20-30 minutes it showed real potential.

It tells the story of a husband and wife who move into a new house (And her sister moves in as well for some reason). In the buildings basement there is a mysterious locked metal door and the wife becomes obsessed with it. What lies within?

I'll tell you right now what lies within, disappointment! And shed loads of it.

Though it starts strong it stumbles and falls the moment that anything actually "Happens". The lack of competent direction and small budget become evident and the movie goes from stumbling to falling to faceplanting in quick fashion.

Alas it never manages to get back up again, in fact gradually gets worse and worse. Then just went you think it can't get any poorer, it hits you with a finale that had my eyes roll so far back into my head I could physically see my brain crying.

Bloodlock is another example of a good idea in the hands of folks who simply shouldn't be in the industry.

To quote Billy Madison I award you zero points and may god have mercy on your soul. Feel free to pick any of the 4000 gods you want for that one.

The Good:

Some good ideas

The Bad:

Some of the cast are dreadful

That's the ending you're gonna go with, really?

Looks cheap and nasty

Absolutely no flow

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Heroines lose credibility if they hook up with another guy within hours of their boyfriend getting killed
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