Review of Insane

Insane (2010)
Insane: Badly flawed but entertaining all the same
2 May 2018
I saw Insane on Youtube's Kings Of Horror channel, now when going into any movie from them you need to be aware that it's almost certainly going to be awful.

Insane however immediatly struck me as having considerably higher production values than most other films on the channel and it's opening sequence was really quite good.

It tells the story of a serial killer in a secluded off the beaten track hotel run by a mysterious and more than a little odd man. Yes it's a slasher, but as far as they go this does have some originality.

Now Insane should have been better but sadly it was marred by a few bits of dodgy writing, an unfleshed out side story and well..........the other thing I can't reveal as it would spoil things but lets just say it makes no sense.

Insane isn't your run of the mill slasher, it's above average in quality but well below average where it actually matters.

I'd say this is a harmless watch for fans of the sub-genre but it's flaws have left what could have been a good film a real let down.

The Good:

Quite well made all things considered

Really quite unpredictable

The Bad:

Needed fleshing out a bit more

Some of it makes no sense whatsoever

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

If you look deep within the bowels of Kings Of Horror there are passable movies, DEEP
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