Welcome (I) (2009)
Refugees and ... Romeo and Juliet?
26 April 2018
In many ways, this film does a very good job of portraying what life is like for refugees. The unsettling scenes where Bilal and several other men must keep plastic bags tightly over their heads to prevent authorities from detecting their presence are realities for some people who have been forced to flee their home countries to seek refuge elsewhere. Likewise, the film depicts what life is like in refugee camps like the "Jungle" in Calais to a reasonable degree of accuracy, including the barbed wire fence, meager infrastructure and sanitation, and police brutality that was not uncommon.

In addition to this, the harshness of French policy and the discriminatory sentiments seen in the film are also true to life. Many refugees often hope to reach Britain where they may have more opportunities to rebuild their lives, but must take the journey across Europe, often ending up in northern France. However, often times, these refugees are not able to make the journey across the Channel, and become stuck in cities like Calais. The French government has attempted to prevent the formation of camps like the Jungle through harsh policies and attitudes toward refugees. This type of alienation and discrimination is seen throughout the film as well.

Despite the praise that this film deserves for its accuracy, the story it tells is relatively far-fetched. In a city like Calais where tensions between refugees and citizens would be highest, it is unlikely that someone like Simon Calamat would be the savior that he is in the film. This story is an exceptional case. Also, I was somewhat disappointed as a viewer how the Lioret takes the time to illustrate the hardships that Bilal and others in the camp have faced then shifts the focus to Simon's cliché relationship with his ex-wife. I was drawn in by Bilal's story, and it was somewhat frustrating to see the film revert to classic cinematic themes. However, I still thoroughly enjoyed this film, and appreciate its humanizing message.
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