Escalated too quickly
24 March 2018
Looking forward to find and watch this movie. 7.2/10 by public 63/100 by metacritic on IMDb. 3.6/5 by public and 68/100 on Rottentomatoes

Once a wise man said: "None went bankrupted for understimating US viewers stupidity" (to say nothing of US voters...) I live in old/rotten Italy (Europe). I must admit that as we Italians DO know how to make pizza, you US-of-Americans know how to make movies. But I cannot understand how this lousy stupid script have had green light by producers, unless I suppose that investors are just like other people: stupid.

This movie has grossed 90 mln over a budget of 26. During the first WE it covered the costs! I just can't believe it. I like Will Ferrel. i loved Land of the Lost (2009) and Stranger Than Fiction (2006) but in THIS movie sincerely he looks stupid and not funny. There is a thin line, you know, between demential and dement. This movie is by far in the dement, idiot, dummy cathegory. I don't know any teenager who can laugh at its gags. I don't know any adult either.

People who gave this movie more than 5/10 can be dangerous, but people who gave it a 10/10 (13.1% of IMDb voters) is a phylosophical riddle: what the he** did they see? Is there a hidden version they watched instead of mine?

It is not a matter of different tastes: this movie is really BAD. Just stay away from it.

Hope this can help
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