Death Wish (2018)
An entertaining ride despite an unoriginal story
2 March 2018
While most people are probably flocking to the theater this weekend to see "Red Sparrow", there is another movie released alongside it that has flown under the radar. It's called "Death Wish", which is a remake of the 1974 film of the same name. Directed by Eli Roth, this action-thriller is a solid take on the subject of vigilantism even though its material isn't all that original.

As stated above, "Death Wish" is a remake. The film stars Bruce Willis as Dr. Paul Kersey, who's life is going well until his wife and daughter are attacked in their own home one night by three masked men, resulting in his wife being killed and his daughter wounded. Filled with guilt and sorrow, Kersey blames himself for not being there and protecting his family, which is something he believes a man should do. Eventually, he takes matters into his own hands and hunts down the men responsible for the attack. It's your typical revenge story and it plays out exactly how you would expect it to. For the most part it's a pretty straightforward, conventional storyline that isn't necessarily original or special, but entertaining nonetheless.

The movie tackles the idea of vigilantism and whether or not a vigilante is good for the city and, while it is a relatively thoughtful idea, we've seen that narrative in movies before it. What comes to mind specifically is the Christopher Nolan Batman films and how the media and police weren't sure if a vigilante was good for the city. A similar situation is present here. What's interesting is that even though the material isn't particularly original, at least the movie is entertaining and keeps you interested in the next turn of events. Credit to Eli Roth's direction and Joe Carnahan's fluid script for accomplishing that. The writing isn't perfect though, as there are some plot holes, one that comes to mind in particular, towards the end of the movie. As a result, it's best not to take this movie too seriously, mainly because some of the things that happen are exaggerated and a bit over the top. The cast as a whole plays their roles well enough to make the story believable, but it would be wise to treat it as more of a popcorn flick going into it.

The timing of this movie might be considered by many to be untimely, given what happened with the school shooting a few weeks ago. However, I'd argue that it's more timely than untimely. The gun violence depicted in the movie is graphic but also a realistic portrait of what happens when guns fall into the wrong hands. It's tough to argue whether or not the makers of the movie are sending a pro-gun or anti-gun message here, but the movie will certainly get mainstream attention for it, for better or worse.

All in all, what we have here in "Death Wish" is a solid, entertaining, but mostly unoriginal action thriller. It has its flaws and you shouldn't take it too seriously, but at the end of the day it is entertaining and if you treat it solely as entertainment going into it, you'll have a good time at the movies.
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