Why 10/10?
30 January 2018
This is exactly the kind of story I would write if I was a screenwriter! Just like Ruby Sparks (2012) by Zoe Kazan (yes, she's the granddaughter of great Elia Kazan). Actually when I was younger I loved try and write something and one of the story, never finished to say the truth, was about a character who realizes he is fictional. This movie is perfect. I love Emma Thompson, since I first saw her acting in 1989 Tall Guy (higly recommended): she his one of my favorite actress.

And I love Will Ferrel, too. One of my favorites is Land of the Lost (2009), a movie that look like the plot was written by sci fi writers Robert Sheckley and Douglas Adams together!

I love this movie so much that I want to watch it again in the original version, you know: here in Italy they distribute just dubbed movies. Fortunately DVD prices have had a vertical collapse from 30 to 4.99 euros and less!

Long life to Internet streaming if this is the reason for prices reduction:)
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