Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Listening to Fear (2000)
Season 5, Episode 9
A Good Character Development Episode
17 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode, Joyce's mental health continues to deteriorate as the tumor worsens before her surgery. Buffy and Dawn decide to take her home and take care of her. Meanwhile a meteoroid crash lands in Sunnyvale, delivering a space alien that preys on the mentally unstable, eventually going after Joyce. Riley continues to experiment with vampirazation.

I was a little surprised that this episode's rating was so low; I rather enjoyed it. While there's not a lot of development here from a plot perspective, I think we get some great character insights from a lot of the cast. I also enjoyed the end (even if the alien didn't look great); it provided great tension.

This is the most we've interacted with Dawn in an episode and we really get to see her insecurities and fear of not belonging in this world. I think that deep down she's aware that she is not like most girls.

It was also heartbreaking to watch that scene of Buffy washing dishes as the weight of all her responsibilities and hardships collide on her and cause her to break down sobbing. This is the most insecure we've seen Buffy show in a long time, possibly ever.

Riley and Buffy have gotten to the point that there's so far apart, I often forget that they're still a couple. Riley and this whole vampire thing is making him act even stranger as we try to figure out his endgame.

Conclusion: A great insight into a lot of these main characters. While not important to the season's overall plotline, it's nice to get a better understanding of these characters.

Side Notes: I think someone would have noticed that alien-demon on the ceiling of the hospital, it was huge and grotesque!

That helicopter entrance by the Initiative into the park was loud and unnecessary. Just drive there. I thought you wanted to keep a low profile?

I thought Ben might turn into some kind of love interest for Buffy but he seems to have some type of intention. What's his story?
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