Torture Chamber: Worse than I even feared
5 November 2017
With a title like Torture Chamber I assumed this was a torture porn effort but it's something even worse.

Torture Chamber tells the fragmented story of a horribly burnt child who his mother claims is pure evil. He has rounded up the other children from the burns unit and goes on a murder/torture spree with them.

Trouble is it's all so very bad. Kids are simply not scary, apparently the child has powers but it's neither explained how or exactly what they are and the whole thing is just a bit of a mess.

Production values are there alas the competent writing staff clearly weren't.

The Good:

I'll get back to you on that one

The Bad:

Dreadful sound balancing in places

Messy storyline

Bland cast

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

One line of the lords prayer will get a car started

Kids are not and will never be good antagonists
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