totally awesome, a gas from start to finish
1 November 2017
Red Hot Riding Hood begins with what seems to be yet another Red Riding Hood story (we saw this with Disney before, remember), but less than a minute in, both Red and the Wolf turn to face the audience frustrated that they have to go through what is, essentially, a dated telling of this tale. There's a reboot of the episode, and now we're in present day as the wolf is a real *wolf* (like, how we see them as the cliché, which may have come from other places but is made into iconography with the animation), and the girl is... holy mackerel!

It's extremely likely I have seen this in my life before (and it inspiring parts of The Mask with Jim Carrey), but this was the first time I saw it on a big screen (via the Drafthouse pres-how). This work by Tex Avery seems so impossible to having been made in 1943, as its one of the most sophisticated and clever and downright meta things of its time. It says a lot when a gal in a cartoon clearly inspired Jessica Rabbit, and damn if this isn't just as innovative. Every shot there is something to look at, the sense of propulsive movement is delirious and the gags make one think that all totally bonkers slapstick comedy should have started here (when the wolf comes back to the apartment building for example anf the old lady is there waiting for him... Come to think of it, this IS the Toontown sequence in full, its dirty, balls to the wall grandfather). It didn't of course, but that's the impression it gives. A gas.
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