Electric Dreams: Crazy Diamond (2017)
Season 1, Episode 4
A delightful little story with some darker moments
10 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This story is set in a distant future where the land is crumbling into the sea and artificial people known as Jacks and Jills live alongside regular people. Ed works is one of the facilities where 'Quantum Consciousnesses' are created and injected into bodies; these QCs are effectively artificial souls that makes the Jacks and Jills who they are. The QCs are valuable and one day a Jill approaches Ed and proposes that he helps her steal some; she needs one for herself as her own is failing and proposes to sell the others. The robbery goes according to plan but the buyer steals them all… now she wants them back.

While this isn't the best story in the series to date it is still rather fun. Given that its length it does a fine job creating an interesting world thanks to the little details such as food that goes bad soon after one buys it and rules against trying to grow your own. The setting, largely filmed at Dungeness, gives an otherworldly feeling. The story of an artificial being seeking to extend her life does of course remind one of 'Blade Runner', itself inspired by a Phillip K Dick story, and there is also an obvious reference to 'Double Jeopardy', the classic film noir which should set alarm bells ringing. The central characters are interesting; Steve Buscemi does a fine job as Ed, a dreamer who has plans for a different future and Sidse Babett Knudsen impresses as the Jill who just wants a future. The rest of the cast are pretty solid too. There are a few moments of violence but nothing too extreme. Overall an enjoyable little story.
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