Killer Tomatoes Strike Back!: They just keep getting worse sadly
30 September 2017
The original 1978 Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes was an oddly entertaining funny little film that mocked itself from start to finish with it's Airplane (1980) style humour.

It's sequel was far weaker but still delivered the laughs, this third movie delivers them very few and far between but there is still fun to be had.

Following directly on from the second film we see John Astins Professor Gangreen return with another scheme for world domination.

The tomato sfx have gotten more advanced and that's a bad thing, the novelty has thoroughly worn off and it's just not funny anymore.

The cast make the most of the script and there are laughs to be had but the whole killer tomato's thing has grown stale.

The Good:

Hilarious opening sequence

The Bad:

Novelty has worn thin

Not as much humour as previous films

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

I may have been a tomatologist in a previous life

Boyles trouser collection is the stuff of legends

Ordering a bloody mary in a tomato bar is unwise

I found the Godtomato scene more interesting than every Godfather movie combined

A woman having ketchup poured all over her chest is not as sexy as you'd imagine
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