You can drive that or be a rat
25 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Planet X on an gross elliptical orbit comes by Earth. A private company owned by Dr. Christopher Steele (Randal Malone) sends a spaceship to explore the planet, which we discover is inhabited by rats. The rats manage to kill off all the humans except Sonja (Tasha Tacosa). A small one appears to climb inside her vee only to eat its way out of her tummy, clearly an Alien spoof that didn't work well. She manages to return to earth with rats that battle the humans.

First off, this was designed to be a camp "so bad it is good" film. As far as the special effects, if achieves the goal. However the dialogue and plot lack engagement and cleverness needed to go along with the bad props. If you are going to create a guy to spoof Dr. Strangelove, don't go half way. Weak characters.

Guide: f-word. No sex or nudity.
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