I'm Not Bored Enough To Watch This Completely
12 September 2017
I tried to watch this - I really tried... had to fast forward during the last part of the first story. I stopped and tried to watch the second story and, yep, I hit the fast forward again - and the same with the third and final story. This is worse than awful - and I love a good bad film but this is just so bad it's awful. This is a terrible anthology.

The first story is that of a killer who murdered several people. He was released from prison 22 years later and then was haunted by "ghosts" (looks more like zombies) of those he murdered.

The second story is that of vampires. A family of kids who are in trouble with the law, from what I gathered, are turned into vampires.

The third is that of a mad scientist - a Frankenstein rip-off story.

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