Come Morning (2012)
One Of The Saddest Films I've Ever Seen - I Cried
8 September 2017
SPOILER: When Papaw died, I cried. Seriously. I'm from Arkansas, lost my papaw not that long ago (not like in this film though) ... he was a hunter. I was a year old in 1973, grew up in the 1970s Arkansas... so this film hits a bit close to home for me.

One of the saddest films I've ever seen. It's a very somber dramatic thriller film from the start and remains that way throughout the movie - it's a tear jerker - fair warning if you decided to watch this one.

"It'll be alright come morning" papaw said to his grandson D before he passed on. It is an appropriate title for the film... and in one way everything was made alright, but in another way it was not because D will never forget this day and the events that unfolded over night into the morning light.

Well worth watching if you like extremely sad movies - if you don't then pass this film by because it might have tears in your eyes.

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