I thought this was a find in red box IT Wasn't!
6 September 2017
I thought this was a find in red box IT Wasn't! THIS WILL BE THE LAST TIME I RENT anything FROM REDBOX. Redbox seems to only put in bad movies they really got me though with the name Howard Hughes and the retro charm yeah that's it t was corny to a T. stupid and ridiculous! i couldn't watch it past 20 minuets it was so corny everything about this movie was predictable. We can already tell what happens at the end. The main character in this movie obviously doesn't care about his job. Oh yes and it was stereotypical all people from the 1960's were not a cookie cutter same way women cant do this non sense if it were true none of us would be here. either someone told the story bad or they writers are really stupid.
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