Pleasant, and only a little disturbing
26 August 2017
This is sort of a Beverly Hillbillies, without the comedy and with a serious tone. Fish out of water tales are nothing knew. But if you want to see a culture clash, on a kinder level, this may be for you. Good performances on all side. As I have said in other reviews, this new generation of child actors, bodes well for the future. This also however has a slightly darker side. But not in the movie itself, but for the audience. It's clear that the director and/or producer has a political agenda in mind, casting the ideology of the family portrayed as good. Versus the dark affluent and ambivalent lifestyle of the grandparents as well, not so good. Sadly, Christian based dramas are attacked, and this one being the opposite of Christian is...not. That being said, the story is very good. Though the lack of punishment at the end for the obvious crime committed, is a little unrealistic. This can be forgiven though, as a happy ending is entirely in order here. Its worth the watch, if your ideological sensibilities aren't too sensitive.
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