When you separate the Wheat from the Chaff . . .
28 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
. . . the core of this rather insipid Merrie Melodies outing from incipient Warner Bros. sell-out, director Tex Avery, is that the moldy Racist piece of parchment from the 1700s, the National Suicide Pact sometimes referred to as the U.S. Constitution--MUST BE REPEALED AND REPLACED, preferably at a peaceful Constitutional Convention (but ultimately, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY) immediately! Though this general message is sprinkled throughout HOLIDAY HIGHLIGHTS by Warner Bros.' always prophetic prognosticators of urgent warnings for We Americans of (The Then) Far Future, it's perhaps spelled out most clearly with the "Election Day Holiday" (no one else has ever placed this event among major celebrations of the USA), which Warner's Animated Shorts Seers boys (aka, The Looney Tuners) mark on the calendar as Nov. 21 for Patriotic True Blue Democrats and Nov. 28 for Red Commie KGB Chief Vlad "The Mad Russian" Putin's co-opted Red Stater Repug Party. This highlights the fact that the Repugs have used the fraudulent Racist "Electoral College" joker clause in the Deplorable 1700s Constitution to Rig Our Election AGAINST THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE a whopping 5 times (more than 10% of the total, and TWICE in the past 16 years!!), overturning the TRUE Election Day results. That's why the Red Commie Putin Repugs are so desperately inventing Mumbo Jumbo theories of "Originalism" out of Whole Cloth, and why ANYONE paying lip service to such Fascist Tyrannical Malarky is now or shortly will be roasting like the Holiday chestnut over an open fire!
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