Stargate SG-1: Memento (2003)
Season 6, Episode 20
The Civilization that Forgot Their Past
10 June 2017
During the maiden voyage of the Prometheus, there is a friction between Col. Jack O'Neill and Commander Colonel William Ronson. Out of the blue, the hyperdrive fails and Ronson ejects the reactor out of the ship. The reactor blows up in the atmosphere of a planet that sends missiles to the Prometheus. However Jack succeeds to explain their problem and the missiles are aborted and the Prometheus lands on the planet. While the SG-1 makes contact with the amicable leader Chairman Ashwan, his adviser Commander Kalfas does not accept. The SG-1 explains that they need to find a Stargate to bring parts to repair the Prometheus. Ashwan allows the SG-1 to search for a hidden Stargate in the planet but Kalfas arrests Teal'c, Jonas and the scientist and workers that are seeking out the Stargate. What will happen now?

"Memento" is an interesting episode of "Stargate SG-1" about a civilization traumatized by their past the destroyed the register of their history that is forgotten. The idea of learning with mistakes does not work for this society. The behavior of Commander Kalfas is very similar to the suspicious Jack O'Neill; therefore there is nothing strange with the alien commander. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "Memento"
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