Some clueless folks have besmirched this brief cartoon as being Racist against . . .
27 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
. . . Native Americans, but any casual observer can see that Warner Bros.' always prophetic Animated Shorts Seers (aka, The Looney Tuners) bend over backwards to draw their allegorical Red Americans with mostly Asian features. Therefore, you'd have to believe some cockamamie story about Indian Ancestors crossing into the Americas on a long-lost land bridge extending from Asia rather than the Sacred Creation Truths as revealed by the Great Spirit to make such a Warrantless Accusation. Speaking of warrants, the imminent federal arrest warrant for High Treason against Iwanna Rump's KGB money launderer spouse Jay Kushner is forecast about seven minutes into MIGHTY HUNTERS when this scrawny little Red Commie Fifth Columnist Clairvoyantly drawn in Ja-RED's spitting image loses his pants while vainly retreating from the lumbering bear, Vlad "The Mad Russian" Putin. Contemporary 1940 audiences probably were yelling at the big screen, "But there ARE no bears living in the Grand Canyon!!" Though a literal interpretation of the action on the screen might lend credence to their complaint, the Looney Tuners could not help themselves from performing their Nostradamus-like Main Mission in predicting that millions of 21st Century Americans would turn Red in support of Corporate Extremist Terrorists spelling out the interchangeable Three C's of Lucifer: Conservatism, Communism, and Capitalism. Warner Bros. warns we Viewers of America's (Then) Far Future NOT to trust in the so-called "Democratic Party" (represented here by the party symbol, the misanthropic gray donkey) to weed out the Red Commie KGB agents and their enablers infesting every nook and cranny of America, from Ellis Island to the Grand Canyon. Rather, Warner urges America's Female Population to attack these wicked misogynists (Putin has all-but legalized rape in Russia, and his court-documented spouse assaulter and White House Puppet Rump has bragged about "Grabbing P-----S" shore-to-shore) with their steady drumbeat of True Blue Loyal Patriotic Progressive Normal Union Label Truth until every last one of the Deplorable Rumpsters is driven from our formerly Great Homeland.
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