The Nice Guys (2016)
Atypic Hollywood Originality; A Clever, new take on the buddy/P.I. film
25 May 2017
To begin, it's one of the most overlooked and under-appreciated films of the last several years (even decades in the genre). Period. And by that, I mean not a great success at the box office, even though it was very* well-reviewed by critics and audiences, alike. If you haven't seen it because you are weary of the beleaguered and hackneyed buddy-cop/P.I. films (ever since Lethal Weapon started the endless cloning process), you must* see this.

It's got loads more to offer,from its kitschy 70's pop culture setting (Including some memorably awful hair, clothes, and Nixon.), a 'groovy'soundtrack filled with 70s Pop & R&B music..but much more. Gosling, charming as always, is the n'er-do-well, boozy, bungling P.I., adored by his oft-disappointed and precocious daughter. He stumbles on a case (deemed initially, at least, as unsolvable but an easy paycheck) offered first by the worried Grandma of an assumed- deceased porn star, and then another case offered by a tough-guy- for-hire/washed-up but capable P.I., (played appealingly by Russell Crowe in one of his best comedy roles, ever) -who is looking for another missing girl.

Eventually (of course! - and we are grateful) they join forces, stumbling into a wider plot that links the two missing women. Along the way, yes, as the genre insists: mishaps and humor. But refreshing, more sarcastic, less broad humor. And more finesse means better laughs- as Hitchcock found that less gore brings greater terror. This duo is 'fab' chemistry. It's enjoyable, more believable, and such** a relief from the formulaic action films endlessly put forth on CGI-laden cookie-cutter releases that gross 10x more, sadly.

Word is the Director, Gosling and Crowe are on board for a sequel; but the studios are dragging their greedy little feet, because the modestly successful box office of Nice Guys takes a back seat to 45 more Pixar/CGI/ or the ubiquitous 'Boys or Girls' Night Out-with hilarious result'..films. Note to Hollywood: We NEED this film. We NEED another. Please??
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