Review of Red Light

Criminal Minds: Red Light (2017)
Season 12, Episode 22
Smashing return of Aubrey Plaza as Cat
11 May 2017
IMDb needs to implement a screening algorithm to combat fake voting by trolls, as evidenced by the numerous lowest rating (1) applied to this fabulous "Criminal Minds" episode. Return of psychopath Cat Adams as brilliantly played by Aubrey Plaza is an occasion for fans of the long- running hit to rejoice.

Just as she did a year ago, Aubrey is memorable in her cat & mouse interplay with hero Gubler, a riveting 2-person acting ensemble worthy of showing in actors' classes for analysis and insight into how great performing can be adapted to the Boob Tube. This made for exciting television, and was less claustrophobic than their initial face-off, enhanced by the fantasy world of a glamorous tete a tete dinner provided by imaginative director/series honcho Glenn Kershaw.

Cliffhanger sort of finale with the heralded return of Shemar Moore was icing on the cake, perhaps a bit hokey in emphasizing the charisma of the beloved co-star of yesteryear (his extended walk-off as if heading down a Men's Fashion Week runway) but satisfying nonetheless. Let's hope he (and later on Aubrey) won't be a stranger in future -the fans must be served.
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