Review of Underneath

Arrow: Underneath (2017)
Season 5, Episode 20
What in the snooze-fest was that?
4 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
We're sitting here in May with three episodes left following tonight's episode and for some reason we decide to throw in a boring as heck filler episode instead of doing something. Why? What was the purpose of this episode? How did it forward the plot?

It didn't. Instead we have Adrian Chase create an explosion where we have Oliver and Felicity stuck down in the bunker and we spend 40 minutes lecturing about trust. And when we're not having the trust arguments with Oliver and Felicity, we're above ground having the trust conversations with Diggle and Lila, because for some reason Diggle is acting like a big baby when he learns that his wife is doing some pretty sketchy things THAT HE HAS BEEN SPENDING THE LAST FIVE FRACKING YEARS DOING THE EXACT SAME THING AND NOW HE IS ALL BUTT-HURT ABOUT IT?!?!?!?!

Holy facepalm. What a ridiculous episode. Of course Diggle's side of things ends with him admitting that he screwed up and has just been acting like a stupid hypocrite for the whole episode. Yeah, thanks for that CW. Can we get back to our regularly scheduled season of Arrow now that we've wasted our time here?

What really frustrated me about the Oliver and Felicity side of things is that it reminded me how much I hate Olicity with a fiery passion. It's one of the things that derailed the show for two seasons given how hard they pushed Olicity. I hated it. They have zero chemistry together and it managed to turn Felicity, who was one of my favorite characters in the first two seasons, into the character on the show that I absolutely hated the most. This hurt me and it hurt me bad.

I've been spending this whole season recovering from how badly seasons 3 and 4 hurt me and I thought those wounds had done a good job of healing. But spending this whole time with Olicity again was like pouring a bunch of salt on an old wound that I didn't realize was still tender. Making this worse were the flashbacks to Oliver and Felicity having bunker sex and contrasting their conversations that they had back then to the conversations they were having in the present. Horrible. Absolutely horrible.

The only good thing here was the Curtis/Rene banter. That made me happy. Oh, and the last shot with Adrian making contact with William was fantastic because it set up what I hope is a great final three episodes. But when the best part of the episode is the final 30 seconds that teases the next episode, you know you have problems.

I don't just drop 1/10's on IMDb when I get frustrated, so I'm not doing that now. But this episode was a waste of my time and I hope we can get back on track next week. I mean, I get it. Oliver and Felicity need to trust each other as do Diggle and Lila. Diggle and Felicity need to not act like idiots. And Oliver needs to learn that he is not a killer. But we could've established in 5-10 minutes during an episode instead of spending the whole episode fleshing that out in a boring as heck way.

Oh, and is it bad of me that when Diggle, Oliver and Felicity were hanging on for their lives to that ladder and Felicity told Oliver to drop her that I was vocally cheering for him to do so? "Drop her! Drop her! Drop her!" OK, I'm done now...
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