Arrow: Spectre of the Gun (2017)
Season 5, Episode 13
Worst Episode of the Series
13 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't give this a one out of ten because they made a small attempt at showing both sides of the gun control issue. What they did actually do is show the typical ignorance of those who support stricter gun laws. Curtis remarks that the AR15 is the exact same thing as an M16 and the former Navy SEAL present doesn't bother to correct him. It is crazy that a group of vigilantes or the former cops (I am retired police myself) would be opposed to citizens being able to protect themselves. The episode ends with a "common sense" gun laws speech by Oliver.

I really like this series and understand that it is fantasy. This series (and Flash) dance around the fact that sometimes bad guys need to be stopped permanently. How many times have either of these characters chosen not to kill someone who later kills someone. The conversations about Diggle struggling to kill someone who is threatening to never stop trying to harm his wife and kid is absurd. Would anyone really struggle making that choice to protect their family, even if the threats were coming from your brother?
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