Twin Peaks: Northwest Passage (1989)
Season 1, Episode 1
6 April 2017
By 1990 the US television channels were in trouble. Viewers had enough of the lifestyles of the rich, greedy and famous in shows like Dallas and Dynasty and cheesy cop shows that were not called Miami Vice.

One brave television channel turned to David Lynch and American television was never the same again.

Haunting, surreal, slow and confounding expectations. In the seminal pilot we see the body of Laura Palmer being found in the small north western town of Twin Peaks. Later a young woman is found walking from across the state line. This brings in Agent Cooper of the FBI and he strikes a friendship with Sheriff Truman who up to now has to put up with deputy Andy who always seems to start crying at the sight of violence.

Agent Cooper who is always talking to Diane in his Dictaphone knows there is more going on with the death of Laura Palmer, it relates to a string of crimes that may be connected. Twin Peaks is not a nice quiet town with white picket fences. The young nubile high school girls are not so innocent and everybody else it seems have some kind of secrets and affairs. Then there are the eccentrics like the log lady or the one eyed woman with an interest in drapes.

Lynch displays some simple visual tricks with lighting and his use of camera angles. He also makes clever use of sound, then there is the memorable music from Angelo Badalamenti.

Not all of it is perfect, some of the younger male cast members never did get the hang of the craft of acting.
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