Fringe: The Firefly (2011)
Season 3, Episode 10
The Chain Reaction
12 March 2017
In a retirement home, the former keyboard player Roscoe Joyce of the band "Violet Sedan Chair" is a sleepwalker. One night, he meets a young man in the corridor and he claims that he was his beloved son Bobby that died twenty-five years ago. However he does not recall what Bobby told him. The Fringe Division investigates the case and they find footage in the surveillance cameras showing Bobby and The Observer in the spot. Walter, who worships Roscoe, brings him to his laboratory to hypnotize him to know what Bobby told. Meanwhile The Observer meets Walter and tells that when he brought Peter from the parallel universe, he unleashed a series of events in a chain reaction and now he is fixing the timeline. Walter fears that Peter's life is in danger and tries to find what he can do to save his beloved son.

"The Firefly" is another intriguing episode of "Fringe". It is always good to see Christopher Lloyd on the screen. The episode has many surprises but is well resolved in the end. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "The Firefly"
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