"Now I'll tell you a story about a mouse who was greedy . . . "
9 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
" . . . and came to a bad end," Grandpa Rodent says to the Pack of Little Vermin surrounding him as THE FELLA WITH THE FIDDLE begins. The plot of this Warner Bros. warning to We Americans of the (Then) Far Future centers around tax evasion. Everyone knows that the kids of the 1930s had no interest in IRS evaders, so clearly the main message of FIDDLE is NOT for its contemporaries, but for Us of the Here and Now. The most notorious tax evader in American history, as well as the most prolific contract-breaker and scammer of "business partners" is Putin's puppet, Don Juan Rump. (He even had to shell out billions and billions to settle damage claims for the bogus "Rump University"!) Of course, Rump won't release his fraudulent tax returns because they show he owes his Red Commie Loan Shark KGB Chief Vlad "Crazy Cat" Putin $10 billion plus. Warner shows us that the greedy Rump, played by the Fake Blind Fiddler Gold Coin Hoarder here, will soon be eaten by Putin for lunch, which is literally how the Big Black Cat devours the fiddler here (perhaps Putin will have Rump fatally "pranked," like the North Korean honcho rubbed on the face with fast-acting poison in the airport recently). Or maybe Putin will want to display the prowess of Russia's equivalent to America's S.E.A.L. Team 6, and send the KGB commandos to shoot out Rump's eyes before using his bloated corpse as shark chum Bin Laden-style in New York Harbor. As Warner's continual use of Quantum Physics' String Theory continually proves, anything's possible.
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