Obviously, someone asked Warner Bros.' always prophetic Looney Tuners . . .
6 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
. . . to come up with an animated short that would illustrate what's in store for us if America ever allowed a bankrupt media buffoon to become Our Commander-in-Chief and live in We the Taxpayers' White House, resulting in PORKY'S MOVING DAY. This brief cartoon begins with Porky Pig, representing the American Electorate, asleep at the switch. Meanwhile, Our White House suddenly turns up perched precariously at the edge of a cliff, as a Russian freighter waits directly below to loot America of anything worth having. Next the homeowner, a dead ringer for Kellyanne Conwoman, frantically phones Porky, begging him to save America's priceless treasures before it's too late. However, an ostrich--representing the 224 general staff officers who allegedly endorsed Red Commie KGB Chief Vlad "The Mad Russian" Putin's Puppet Rump BEFORE the election, and a punch-drunk pugilist, standing in for the Traitorous Red State MINORITY who counter-intuitively cast ballots for Chaos & Disaster, comprise Porky's entire work force. Naturally the Looney Tuners go on to picture this "rescue team" destroying anything of value left in America, as Putin's sailors on the Red October laugh uproariously on the raging ocean surf below.
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