Inception (2010)
98 out of 10.
23 February 2017
This was my pick to win 2011 Best picture at the Oscars. With obvious parallels to the production of a film, "Inception" is an intense, complex yet creative and imaginative piece of entertainment. With I heard somewhere that Christopher Nolan took almost 10 years to write the screenplay for "Inception", and he should have been rewarded with an Oscar for Best Picture just for the idea itself, because I remember the time it came out it came out in a summer of remakes and reboots carrying on an idea, and this was just original. The performances here are fantastic, from Leonardo's Cobb who was delicate and emotionally tough, and then there was the exposition- full Arthur played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, but my favorite has got to be Tom Hardy's Eames! Every played bought their A-game, and this has got to be one of the most impressive ensemble casts assembled for an original film in recent history. Overall, I loved this movie, from the trippy visual effects, to the emotional and grounded storytelling, Christopher Nolan delivered his best, and I am wholly satisfied.
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