A heavy story of two wounded souls
25 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This film tells the story of a man lost his children in the past. His brother died due to a heart condition. Without prior consultation, his brother tasked him with being the legal guardian of the 16 year old cousin.

"Manchester by the Sea" tells how two people struggle to come to terms with both the unfortunate past and the undesirable present. They are both unable to express the feelings, bottling everything up as if nothing has happened. They avoid connection with most of the people around them, even if others try. Their circumstances screams for sympathy. Initially the film is a little hard to understand because it jumps around between different time points. After clarifying the time points up, I find the story compelling, especially the two scenes (one with Casey Affleck and the other with Michelle Williams) that command tears to fall. It is a heavy story of two people trying to get by in spite of life's challenges.
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