Review of Hancock

Hancock (2008)
Great Original Superhero Flick (Hidden Gem)
21 January 2017
I'm amazed this scored so low! Whether you like Will Smith or not, this has everything you could ask for.

Some notes for consideration: This was a movie that faced some serious adversity from the beginning.

The script for this was written in 1996 which makes the film all the more intriguing knowing just how many directors were cycled through before it finally went into production (11 years later!). The title alone started out as "Tonight, He Comes" followed by "John Hancock" and then simply "Hancock". Even the desired rating of PG-13 was a struggle to acquire, as the MPAA had twice already dubbed it "R".

But after all was said and done, Hancock took the #1 spot after opening weekend with mixed reviews (41% Rotten Tomatoes, 49% Metacritic)! With a production budget of $150 million it brought in $185.6 million after the opening weekend (worldwide, 5 day weekend).

Now on to the actual content:

The script is refreshing. Not only are there twists throughout, but they are highly unpredictable and start to expose themselves within the first 30 minutes.

The cast consists of Will Smith, Charlize Theron and Jason Bateman whom all demonstrate outstanding performances (as one would expect from them). The humor is believable and not overdone, the drama is the perfect amount leaving you laughing and feeling sorrow throughout.

As mentioned before, even if you are not a huge Will Smith fan this will surely be something anyone can enjoy. I am quite puzzled by the general consensus here on IMDb but assure you that the film is much better than the rating would infer.

----- 8/10 STARS -------- Review by Searsino -----
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