MacGyver: Countdown (1986)
Season 1, Episode 14
Ticking Doom
5 January 2017
This is an episode I really like one of my favs from Season 1. The plot line is uncannily similar to "Speed 2: Cruse Control" only big difference is this episode is actually good, that film sucked.

It's the typical disarming bomb scenario but what makes this one stand out is really in it's execution as the disarmament is the entire episode, I'll admit throughout the episode I was on the edge of my seat. It's true that you can easily guess Mac is going to get out of this but the question is how? By their nature disarming scenarios are really puzzles the solutions are simple, it's just a matter of taking the time to think it though; despite how limited it is.

Though I'll admit the whole thing on Mac losing the disarming tools was rather tacked on, honestly none of the crew could of fished them out of the water or why they didn't have the bags attached to some mini raft? But all the same I really liked seeing how Mac was coming up with some solutions to disarming one trigger at a time with just everyday items, the way it's handled almost seems plausible.

I even like his back and forth with the female Captain Carol whom I actually think is nice looking. Strong and intelligent women are always attractive; than that girl MacGyver was wasting time with at the beginning (cmon Mac set your sights higher). Really like how both worked well together and there was even a hint of flirtation.

This episode is a thrill a minute.

Rating: 3 and a half stars
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