Far from perfect........
12 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
And the year of Seagal continues, with this, his take on 1984's Big Brother, and oh my gosh, is it poor stuff......

In the not so distant future (is there any other kind of future?), society is controlled by a powerful State and a very strangely haired, goateed, former credible action star dictator known as the Director.

Condor works as a hit-man (47) for the State, but a reunion with someone he thought was dead forces him to consider who his enemies really are.........

Seagal has had some stinkers this year, from the Sniper film, to the Asian Connection, to he one with Craig Sheffer in, and another one where the title is part of a weapon.

But now he's ventured back into science fiction, and if you thought Attack Force and Against The Dark were bad, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Seagal is thankfully barely in it, but that means you only have to be intolerant with another 'actor' who is trying to be Agent 47, but comes across as a seriously constipated mute.

Everyone is being watched, no one is safe, and in this dystopian future, you really couldn't care less what happens or if Seagal's director will be overthrowed.

It all ends with Seagal looking morbidly obese, explaining to Hit-man about life and how good the early nineties were to him, but it tries to fool the viewer with a twist, and if you are a Seagal fan (which you must be if your watching this trash), then you will know the final scene is lifted straight from Marked For Death.

And then there's the promise of a sequel.
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