One of the other guys in my high school clarinet section . . .
8 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . has his own music label--"Distortion Records." Listening to this sadly Unrestored soundtrack brought Eric W. to mind. If a Warner Theater had played THE CANDID KID with as much distortion on its music soundtrack as occurs on the 2008 Turner DVD release for GOLD DIGGERS IN PAR!S on which it's included, the projectionist NEVER would have left the local Bijou alive! Notes oscillate here about as much as the sirens on European cop cars during 1950s Art House Films, only with less purity of tone. Seeing as how Autotune Technology was invented in plenty of time to have fixed this CANDID KID by 2008, it shows why the Atlanta Braves brought the worst team in MLB to "Turner Field" for most of the 2016 season. Apparently, "Turner" and "Quality" are antonyms! If you bought this disc, just remember that the same letters which spell "Turner" also can spell "Return," as in "return it and get your money back!" The plot of CANDID KID seems to have been pecked out by a pack of monkeys set loose in an old typing classroom. The "acting" here is just as lame as the story, and the main characters are called by their Real Life names to help finger the guiltiest parties. It's just too bad that Marion Mitchell Morrison doesn't sashay in to make this farce complete.
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