I'd give it zero stars if I could
3 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Art does not excuse violence against women.

By the director's own admission, Maria was not privy nor consenting to the infamous assault scene involving butter. The director planned her sexual assault on camera so she would feel true humiliation and rage. Brando was party to this.

Both of these men - who planned a sexual assault on a colleague - were nominated for awards for this.

If you can trust Brando to "act" angry/abusive, but supposedly don't trust your 19 year-old leading lady to "act" humiliated and angry, either you are a terrible director or you actually get off on harming women. That is deplorable.

Many critics feel this film is worthy of praise. But to praise it, you must also acknowledge that a crime occurred on camera, one that traumatized the actress by her own admission.

(A quick Google will take you to video of the director admitting these facts.)
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