Not bad but not that great either.
8 November 2016
I saw a lot of positive things being said about this movie, having not seen the first instalment I decided to just jump in and check this out anyway. I do like Mike Flanagan, but I think Absentia and Oculus are far better than his other films, including this one. It's wonderfully shot and stylistically very well handled. Where this film fails for me is in the actual horror and its final act; you have a nice build-up with attention to characters and mood only for the film to completely fall apart two-thirds in, turning into a PG-13 Exorcist on steroids, which isn't scary at all. The suspense at the start was nicely built, but once it starts piling on ropy special effects and endless attempts at jump scares I really lost interest. Without a doubt I would recommend this if it's on TV and you're bored, but I wouldn't go out of your way to see it.
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