Star Wars: Rebels: The Antilles Extraction (2016)
Season 3, Episode 4
Welcome, Wedge
29 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Plot; Sabine goes undercover as a TIE pilot trainee in an effort to extract a group of defectors.

Another tight, focused episode sees the spotlight shift away from the Force and back onto the Rebellion. In this case we get a look at something hinted at, if at all, in the movies and revealed mostly in various character guides and backstories, and that's the fact that the Rebel Alliance is made up in no small part of former Imperials who became disenchanted with the Empire. Here we're introduced to two cadets whose names will certainly be familiar to fans of the OT; Wedge and Hobbie. It's fun to see these background characters fleshed out a bit, and I hope they show up again in future episodes.

As usual, the visuals are great, with the environments and dogfighting scenes faring particularly well. There's also a callback to one of the stronger episodes from S2, with Agent Kallus repaying a debt (and perhaps revealing a growing sympathy for the Rebel cause).
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