The Alfred Hitchcock Hour: Final Performance (1965)
Season 3, Episode 14
Bates Motel, Wyoming Style
20 October 2016
First-rate Hitch. The hook's a real grabber. So what's going on with teen cutie Rosie (Farrell). Nice guy Cliff (Perry) picks her up hitchhiking on a country road. She's frazzled and desperate to get out of the little near-by town. So why then does she lie to the sheriff who stops good samaritan Cliff for speeding. Poor Cliff, he gets a ticket, then gets his clunker hauled back to town after it breaks down. Now he's stuck in a motel where unpredictable Rosie works with weirdo owner Rudolph (Tone) who is living in his show biz past and his big specialty act. But just what exactly was that stage specialty, and do we really want to find out.

Good suspense all the way through. There's some padding midway, probably to accommodate movie vet Tone. Nonetheless, he turns in a sinister, bravura performance. Farrell too shines as the desperately ditsy Rosie, while Perry makes a convincing bystander caught up in who knows what. Anyway, don't miss the highly suspenseful hour and its nifty climax.

(In passing—note that Cliff's clunker car is an Edsel, a notorious lemon in its day. Also, I'm surprised the script identifies Wyoming as where the events take place. Usually, the locale would remain understandably anonymous. But considering the arrogant sheriff, the mud hut motel, and the weird goings on, the hour's not exactly a tourist brochure for that wonderfully scenic state.)
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