Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Fool for Love (2000)
Season 5, Episode 7
Spike's past
4 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Fool for love is a favorite for mine as we get to see flashbacks to his life before he came to Sunnydale. Buffy worrying that her death will come soon turns to one person who killed two slayers yet lived to tell about it and asks how to avoid their mistakes making it a very informative episode. To start with his story is very sad as he writes very awful bloody poetry causing the scorn from his peers only to become worse when the woman he loves and wrote about rejects his advances. Up to this point you always figures he was a tough punk rocker from 80s London who had the misfortune of meeting up with Angel yet he lived an ordinary live until he drew the attention of a vamp heading home.

He was able to take on the China rebellion boxer because vampires always have their weapons ready once they morph and a slayer has to reach for her's if it gets knocked out of her hand or pull it out of her sleeve. For the New York slayer, also where he got his jacket, she had a death wish and that no matter what ties a slayer down she'll eventually tire of the life or want the life to end giving her opponent the upper hand instead of giving her all. Just like the slayer I found it very educational, sad and disgusting all in one for the life he lived, learned or refused to repent for.
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