Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Anne (1998)
Season 3, Episode 1
Harsh reality
1 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Buffy has ran away to L.A. to start her life over under her middle name Anne taking a low key job as a waitress and living in a dumpy apartment. Her mother worried, her friends picking up the slack on her slaying duties and Giles searching the country for her. What makes it so depressing is how sad Buffy feels being away from her loved ones, having to live in poverty dreaming of the man she loved and killed to save the world. It would seems like heck to live in such horrid conditions with no one to turn to or trust and living everyday in a numb state. Joyce being the concerned mother not able to function worrying about her daughter, not wanting to leave the house in case she returns and regrets the fight they had. Giles showing concern for a girl who he saw accomplish amazing themes, fought side by side together and loved her like the daughter he never had searching every street corner for his little girl he practically raised.

Also the ep serves to showcase the horrid conditions the homeless go through with no place to stay or food to eat most being kids leaving horrible homes. It can be hard to watch the harsh realities locked away from sight or most don't want to pay attention to. Ken, demon, even uses it to his advantage to give them hope only to squash it with trapping them in a slave labor camp. Even in the darkest of places Buffy keeps her wits about her fighting her way out of purgatory as a champion and feeling empowered by her gifts leaving a lasting impression on those she helps. She gives hope, never give up the fight and never be scared to stand up for what you believe in.
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