M*A*S*H (1970)
I Just Love Altman's Style
13 September 2016
"MASH" has always been one of my favorite comedies of all time. It isn't as funny as it is great (although it IS very funny), and the main reasons that I find it to be so great aren't even because I find it to be funny. Probably the main thing I love about "MASH" is the film's style. It broke the rules of mainstream cinema, and gave us something different, something new! It gave us Robert Altman, one of the greatest, most influential, and most unique filmmakers of all time. The way Altman made "MASH" is very important. He let his actors improvise and he used tons and tons of (hilarious and chaotic) overlapping dialogue. The film also has excellent cinematography, a fast pace, and an anti war message.

The gory surgery sequences seem like they belong in a horror film rather than a comedy, but they may be the most important part about the film. Without them, the characters aren't fully developed, and the powerful anti war message is completely removed. Those surgery scenes allow us to see the more serious side of the wacky, prankster characters. We get to see them get that big grin off their face, and replace all of that childish behavior with serious medical work.

"MASH" is one of the most entertaining and funny films ever made, but, more importantly, it's influential, intelligent, and an important part of film history, and one of Robert Altman's best and earliest films.
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