One of the worst I've ever seen
12 September 2016
How disappointing. My family loved "Young Frankenstein" and went to see "Blazing Saddles" expecting more of the same clever parody by Mel Brooks. Boy, were we wrong. The film was dull and the humor was extremely offensive, and since I saw it in a first-run theater I'm not talking about it not "aging well" or being offensive by today's standards: I'm talking about forty years ago, being a teenager and realizing how offensive and un-funny it was. If I'd realized that walking out was an option, I might have... but I would have had to walk home since I was too young to drive.

So many of the performers were capable of so much better... the "waste of talent" factor was very high. The great Harvey Korman, for example, never failed to get a laugh from us on "The Carol Burnett Show". Here, we just felt sorry for him. Poor Harvey, trapped in this boring and tasteless movie.

I'd just like to mention that I'm not now nor have I ever been much of a prude. Give me crude humor that's actually funny, I'll go for it. My taste is pretty broad and includes such movies as "The Rocky Horror Picture Show". It's entertaining. That's all I ever ask of a film.

I'll never understand all the great reviews, or how it got such good reviews from "professional" critics at the time of its release.
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