The most powerful delivery of the truth
22 July 2016
History, facts, logic, reason, and evidence are presented in this film through an objective lens. D'souza's abridged history lesson in this movie is a fair and accurate representation of America's political history, particularly the Democratic party and what truths about Hillary that have leaked to the public's view.

From a visual production standpoint Hillary's America is top notch. The cinematography has its ups and downs but overall is very well done and keeps a serious and dramatic tone. The acting hits all the notes, never feeling cheesy or forced. The reenactments were believable and the exploration of history was compelling and the stock footage chilling. The pace between the various acts was great never feeling slow or dull.

The writing was very well done and concise. My only criticism is that the conclusions drawn from the research could have been reiterated with a little bit more impact at times. But where the message counts the movie certainly delivers and relies on verifiable history, mainstream news coverage, and personal testimonies spoken by the people in question themselves.

There is no "conspiratorial" speculation in this movie as critics claim (the same critics who give people like Michael Moore a free pass in this area). The bias in media and public education is clear as day as this obvious history has been swept under the rug and the wool pulled over everyone's eyes, even Democrats in denial. The Democratic establishment in media will do everything in their power to keep people from seeing this film.

Any Democrat who plugs their ears calling this film propaganda are anti- intellectuals. This is a fair representation of history and is not meant to be deceiving, so by definition isn't propaganda. If you're an intellectual or just a plain decent American, go and see Hillary's America.
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