Well done cinematic sequences of USA History
22 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The most moving parts of the movie are by far the reenactments of history. Dinesh goes all out in putting the view up close and personal with history. The overall pace of the documentary is very good and constantly interesting. I'm glad he kept it under 2 hours, but if I had to add one more thing to his litany of damning evidence of the corruption of the democratic party, I would have included Madam Pelosi & Mr. Reid and all of their shenanigans of the 2007 & 2008 congress, (in which Hillary played a part) which allowed for the financial crisis of 2008. The same players that support Obama are all in for Hillary. They past laws that worsened an already bad situation, and then rescinded some of those regulations after Obama took office. What I found most riveting was how she uses her husband to grease the skids to make deals for other people that wind up being so lucrative to the Clintons. The "Play to get paid" is a level of corruption that is perfected by a woman who grew up in Chicago. A modern day Bonnie & Clyde.
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