Johnny Ringo: Four Came Quietly (1960)
Season 1, Episode 17
Guns, Girls, Violence and Death
11 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
JOHNNY RINGO "Four Came Quietly" 1960

JOHNNY RINGO was a western series that ran for 38 episodes during 1959-60. The series starred Don Durant as the title character with Karen Sharpe, Mark Goddard and Terence De Marney as series regulars. The series follows Durant, (Ringo) a former gunfighter who decides to go straight. He becomes the Sheriff in the small town of Velardi in the Arizona Territory. The series was one of several (Rifleman, Wanted Dead or Alive, Shotgun Slade) with a "gimmick gun". Durant carries a special LeMat revolver equipped with a shotgun barrel under the six gun barrel. This episode is the 17th of the series.

Sheriff Don Durant's girl, Karen Sharpe is being hit upon by a cowpoke type. The man, L.Q. Jones, wants a kiss and a cuddle and will not take no for an answer. Durant is summoned and gives the young buck a first rate curb stomping. He then tosses the idiot in the town jail.

Jones soon pulls an escape with a pistol supplied by a local woman, Eve McVeagh, who has taken a shine to the lad. Jones gets the drop on Deputy Mark Goddard in order to get out of the jail.

The escape is however foiled by Sheriff Durant who arrives at the same time. L.Q. goes for his piece and is dropped in the street by the straighter shooting Durant. Durant and Goddard figure Jones must have had a hideaway gun they missed.

Several days later, four rather large unsavoury types, Gordon Polk, Tom Newman, Wayne Tucker and Jay C. Flippen come a calling at the jailhouse. The heavily armed bunch, are the father and three brothers of the dead, Jones.

The men quickly disarm Durant and Goddard and fire the pair into the same cell as Jones had been in. The thugs collect all the firearms except one pistol. This they leave behind telling Durant they will be waiting outside. They also inform Durant that they intend on paying Miss Sharpe a call after killing him.

Miss McVeagh, feeling bad about giving Jones the gun that got him killed, passes another pistol into the jail. As she is doing this, one of Jones kinfolk unloads a shotgun into Miss McVeagh.

Durant and Goddard exit the jail firing as they come. Both men being crack shots, does not hurt matters in the exchange of lead. Jay c Flippen and bunch are soon laid out all pretty like for a trip on the Boot Hill Express.

This is a pretty entertaining episode with more than a fair bit of gun play and violence. L.Q. Jones is a hoot as he plays the leering, female grabbing lowlife.

There is some fine talent on the behind the camera crew here as well. The director is veteran B western man, R.G. Springsteen. Springsteen was a staple at Republic Pictures helming over 60 low end programmers during his decade at the Studio.

The director of photography was film noir specialist, Carl Guthrie. His work in that genre included, CRY WOLF, FLAXY MARTIN, BACKFIRE, CAGED, THIS SIDE OF THE LAW, UNDERCOVER GIRL, STORM WARNING, HELL BOUND and the superb, HIGHWAY 301.
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