Rambo does Libya.
26 May 2016
I endured about a third of this before giving up. I guess this was aimed at drawing in those viewers whose lives revolve around the realism of the world of video games. Maybe the balance of the movie involved some real substance, but the first bit was nothing but childish nonsense with some facts tossed in to make it easier to swallow.

You've got a bunch of testosterone-addled clowns who each sports a beard; who give cute monosyllabic nicknames to each other as well as to everyone and everything they encounter; who have adorable wives, children, dogs back home; who work out; who play video games to demonstrate how relaxed they are in the dangerous environment; who use the f-word every two minutes so we know how tough they are; and who think they know everything there is to know about Libya from weeks spent inside American compounds surrounded by Americans.

All the locals are portrayed as clownish, sinister, cowardly cartoon characters and the Americans involved above the rank of knuckle-draggers are either slaves to mindless protocol or buffoonish pie-in-the-sky Harvard or Yale dilettantes.

I'm not sure which is more troubling, that this serious event has been reduced to this soap operatic cast of caricature-characters or that this portrayal remotely matches the actual people involved. In either case I'm sure many of those who watch it will absorb it all to be stored away as fact … just like Batman and Superman battling the forces of evil is fact.

Sadly disappointing case of Hollywood reshaping reality to appeal to the crowd who needs car chases and plenty of weaponry to keep their attention from wandering.
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