Arrow: Schism (2016)
Season 4, Episode 23
Well that was...sure something...
25 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There are only 37 original ideas in the world of entertainment, I've been told. Tonight's episode found a way to borrow from everything that's been done before with 0 originality.

"The Dark Knight Rises" final battle, the obligatory speech from the top of a car, the missile diversion at the last moment, and the oh so handy sending the other missiles off into space (which no one thought of before?). Curtis' hope speech, Oliver's "I've lost all hope" moment, everyone going their separate ways, Malcolm shooting an arrow passed Thea to hit a bad guy and her returning the favor... OK you get it. The title of this episode shouldn't have been "Schism" but instead "Cliche".

Season 4 started interestingly enough with the mystery grave visit, until the writer's admitted even THEY didn't know who was in the grave yet, but that they were letting the season unfold naturally. Big mistake. And if that really was the case we felt it in every episode as the characters and plot limped along between weak cliff hangers and cheesy one liners.

The season finale was no different, sadly. I found myself rolling my eyes with the Curtis/Felicity rooftop banter while trying to divert a nuclear missile. Way to shoot any suspense in the foot.

The only highlight of the season was Neal McDonough as Damien Darhk. He at least seemed interesting enough to hold the attention during his screen time. Though his final goodbye was a bit contrived- "you don't have it in you" -his acting was still above par for this course.

Here's hoping season 5 will bring something new, something better planned, and maybe even something hinting at original to this spiraling show.
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